2 months Private lessons

January and February

With our two-month immersive course, you will be able to rapidly develop your reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in a friendly environment.

You will enjoy learning in a one-to-one basis with a native Spanish teacher who will provide dynamic and real-life activities.

Lessons per week: to be defined
Class duration: to be defined

Program duration: March-July/August-December
Schedule: Monday to Friday

Group size: 1 students

Course materials

The goal of this course is to get familiar with all varieties of Spanish. To achieve this goal, you will do reading, writing and listening exercises which include the Spanish used in different countries across the Spanish-speaking world, such as Spain and Latinamerican countries.
The learning materials provided in the course are the same designed to prepare you for a DELE exam. At the end of this preparation you will take a exam to apply the knowledge and skills learnt.

Payment info for booking this course: This is a five-month course. When booking it, you will be paying for the first month (March in the 1st semester or August in 2nd Semester). As of the second month, you will be paying monthly until the end of the course.

Academic Staff

Diseño sin título (46)


Spanish Teacher

Diseño sin título (49)


Spanish and English Teacher. More than 15 years teaching and translating.

Diseño sin título (51)


Spanish Teacher.

Level Description

A1 Level (Beginner level): At the end of this course, you will be able to use commonly used expressions, express needs and will have developed the basic Spanish needed for everyday communication.

A2 Level (Elementary level): At the end of this course, you will be able to describe aspects of the past and background in a basic manner. You will be able to speak and write about everyday life, trips, biography.

B1 Level (Intermediate level): At this level, you will learn conversation skills about familiar aspects and you will be able to use communication strategies to keep a conversation about the past and future. You will read general and simple literary texts, as well as write letters about general aspects of everyday life.

B2 Level (Intermediate level): At this level, you will be able to give details about general topics, express yourself fluently and write long texts. You will use conversation skills to have a conversation in different contexts and situations.

C1 Level (Proficient level): At this level, you will be able to express different points of view, put forward arguments and learn idiomatic expressions and other resources to use the language creatively. You will also be able to read Spanish and Latin American contemporary texts with ease.

C2 Level (Advanced level): At the end of this course, you will have developed a high level of language competence and will be able interact in social situations with ease, adapt your communication style to different contexts, and understand the cultural customs involved in the language used.